Sacrality Seminar

480 BCE: Reconsidering the Chronological Anchor of Archaic and Classical Greece
Conference, 23–26 June 2022 Conference Center Soeterbeeck, Ravenstein, The Netherlands For the history of Greece, one of the main ‘anchor’ dates is 480 BCE. In that year, the Persian armies led by king Xerxes occupied large parts of Greece. For the history of Greece, both before and after the Persian wars, the watershed of 480…
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Citizenship regimes in ancient Greece
Tuesday, April 13 16.00 Josine Blok The explosive growth of studies of citizenship in ancient Greece of the past twenty, thirty years has given us a wealth of new evidence and exciting viewpoints. But the results are also quite bewildering – the variety of civic practices in ancient Greece and of the academic approaches to…
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Block by Block: Piecing Together Athenian Democracy
Sacrality and The Greek Polis invites you to join an online guest lecture hosted by Utrecht University on January 27th 16:00-17:30 CET. Utrecht has asked Dr. Jessica Paga (College of William & Mary) to speak about her newest book release titled, Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens. Jessica’s lecture will discuss monumental structures and their…
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