RMA Dissertations

The Incorporation of Eleusis into the Athenian Polis
The City Eleusinion and the Sanctuary Material in the Wells of the Athenian Agora Manon van der Maas See full text in the UU repository This thesis centres around early (eight-sixth century BC) Athenian and Attic state formation by focussing on the relations between Athens and another Attic locality that would occupy an important religious…
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Persephone’s Passports
Recontextualizing the Italian Gold Tablets Marie Hélène van de Ven See full text in the UU repository Throughout the last few centuries, gold tablets that bear eschatological inscriptions to aid the deceased in reaching a blissful afterlife have confounded generations of scholars. Heavily influenced by top down approaches that categorise these tablets as belonging to…
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Between Adopting and Adapting
An analysis of the glocalizing identities of early Greek Asklepieia (600-300 BCE) Anne de Hoop See full text in the UU repository Because of the great influence ascribed to the Asklepieion of Epidauros both in Antiquity and modern times, scholars generally characterize the development and spread of the cult of Asklepios as directed from Epidauros….
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Women’s Dedicatory Practice in Ancient Attica
A reconsideration of women’s economic agency Alma Kant See full text in the UU repository During the previous century, increasing attention has been paid to the position of women in Antiquity, an interest that has intensified even further during the last couple of decades. A general trend can be discerned, one wherein the academic focus…
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“The ships themselves understand the thoughts and minds of men”
A study into the ancient Greek dichotomy between fearing the sea and daring to traverse it by studying ships as living entities Gerben Hospers See full text in the UU repository Ancient Greeks showed a dichotomous attitude towards the sea. The sea was seen as both a source of life, but also as a dangerous…
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Identifying Myth
The korai of the Erechtheion revisited Leonore Poldervaart See full text in the UU repository The Ionic temple on the Akropolis of Athens, generally known as the Erechtheion, is the last of a series of temples devoted to the goddess Athena Polias. Besides the shrine for Athena Polias, the Erechtheion also incorporated the altars of…
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Athenian Synoecism
Cults, Myths, and the Elite in Sixth-Century Attica Lin Kragset See full text in the UU repository When we speak about Ancient Athens today, it is generally understood to mean the city of Athens and her countryside – the geographical area known as the Attic peninsula. However, this area is remarkably large for a unitary…
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Between Politics and Religion in the Amphiareion
The Athenian presence within a disputed border sanctuary in the fourth century BC Ianthe van Beuningen This thesis explores the various ways in which the Athenian polis presented themselves within a contested border sanctuary, the Amphiareion. It was founded during a period of Athenian control, lost after the Peloponnesian War and reclaimed in the fourth…
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The Significance of Cape Sounion
The Importance of the Cape for the Broader Region of Sounion and the Athenian Polis Alexandros Mourtzos See full text in the UU repository In my thesis, I have researched the religious, political, economic and military significance of Cape Sounion, for the broader region of Sounion (Laureotike) and the city of Athens (astu), during the…
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